Privacy Policy values the privacy of all of our users. We take very seriously the need to respect and protect your privacy and the security of any information you may share with us. Your privacy is important to us. All information collected from you in connection with your use of the site is governed by our Privacy Policy.

For every visitor to the servers of our Internet hosting service automatically recognize the visitor’s domain name. Like other hosting and e-mail services, our hosting and e-mail service collects the following visitor information: (1) aggregate information on what pages visitors access or view; (2) user-specific information on what pages visitors access or visit; (3) visitor domain addresses; and (4) e-mail addresses of those who communicate with us via e-mail. does not sell, rent, or release any personal information that we collect to any third-party site or business entity. We only use the information to improve our services and product features, as well as to customize advertising on our site. We hate spam. We promise that your email address will never be sold, traded, or bartered in any way.

Our site contains links to sites of advertisers and partners whose privacy policy and practices are different than our own. It is important for our visitors to always review a site’s privacy policy before releasing any personal information.

When making purchases at advertiser sites through the links on information released to these sites are collected and handled ONLY by them. We do not have access to any information that you provide our advertisers. In the event of any changes with our privacy policies, we will notify you by placing a prominent notice on our site.